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18th Aug 10:30 - 13:30 or 14:30 - 17:30 GMT

RUN AT IT SHOUTING, Block D, D107, 415 Wick Lane, E3 2JG

£43.00 Members £38.70

*Please note as with all our events, our prices are inclusive of VAT*



Steph will send out a selection of sides for you to choose from regardless gender, age and ethnicity before the workshop. Steph would like participants to be as familiar with text as possible. Each actor will read through their scene for the group and Steph will offer feedback and the opportunity for participants to work the notes into a second reading.

We have superb equipment for the best learning experience. This workshop offers the opportunity to master the process from the moment you walk through the door - what is expected of an actor in the room, how to master the self-tape and how to hone technical audition skills. There will be opportunity for questions to be answered as they come up during the workshop as well as a Q&A towards the end of the session.

Your scenes will be recorded with broadcast quality equipment. Upon request, you have the option to receive your footage after the session for no extra cost!

{This workshop adheres to CDG guidelines and isn’t an audition}.


Steph Tataryn has been working as a freelance casting assistant since 2017 and is currently working for Nina Gold’s office. She has worked across many film & TV projects including “The Diplomat” (Netflix), “Foundation” (Apple) and the upcoming remake of John Woo’s “The Killer”, “Dodger” (BBC/NBC), Catherine Tate’s “Hard Cell” (Netflix), TV series “Bulletproof” (Sky One), “Flowers in the Attic: The Origins (A&E)” amongst various others. She has previously assisted Lucinda Syson, Rob Kelly and Catriona Dickie.


I understand that the presence of a Casting Director is absolutely not a guarantee or promise of employment. I further understand that the intent of this class is solely educational and not a form of job interview or audition.

The intent of the workshop is educational and should not be considered a job interview or audition. Attending workshops is not a way to obtain employment as an actor. It is a learning / educational experience. The presence of a Casting Director is neither a guarantee nor a promise of employment.

Visit this link for full document:

Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions