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28th October, 10:00 - 18:00 GMT

Mountview, 120 Peckham Hill St, London, SE15 5JT

£100 Members £90.00

*Please note as with all our events, our prices are inclusive of VAT*



As an actor, you always want to do your best. Yet the average time given to line run and block a scene for television is only 10 minutes. The first time most actors meet their director on a TV series is on set. How can you maximise that brief rehearsal time to find your best performance? Emma shows you how to prepare and what to expect, how to really connect with the director and cast and, most importantly, enjoy the whole experience! Working with pre -delivered scenes, you will prepare, discuss and rehearse them with Emma before shooting on camera live and receiving individual feedback.

We will cover: preparation vs adapting on the day; how and when to ask the right questions toget what you need; understanding the tone and style of the show or film you’re in; how to interpret director’s performance notes between takes; and balancing technical requests from director and crew with your throughline as a character. We will also discuss how to deliver a strong self-tape. Emma’s aim is to make you feel welcome from the moment you’re cast to the moment you say goodbye on wrap. The more relaxed you are, the better your performance will be and the more confident you’ll be in every film you collaborate on.Honing your on-screen technique is the best way to achieve it.

Your scenes will be recorded with broadcast quality equipment. Upon request, you have the option to receive your footage after the session for no extra cost!


Emma Lindley is an award-winning and highly experienced director and writer working on popular drama series and films in both the UK and US. Her UK drama directing credits include multiple episodes of ‘Holby City’ (BBC1), ‘Hope Street’ [BBC1), Coronation Street’, ‘Emmerdale’ and award-winning teen series, ‘My Parents as Aliens’ and ‘24 Seven’(ITV). She is skilled in both single and multi-camera directing and equally happy in studio or on location. Her authored shorts as writer-director have been shown at festivals around the world and on ITV/ Channel 4 and include child-bride drama, ‘Red River’, winner of three Best Film awards (London Short Film Festival). Her feature scripts as writer-director have been funded by South West Screen, shortlisted for Sundance Screenwriters Lab and selected for the UK Filmonomics development programme. Emma’s work in the US includes directing two award-nominated arts documentaries for Ovation TV. She has a current 01 visa and is represented in the US by Stagecoach Entertainment and in the UK by Linda Seifert Management. Emma is a voting member of BAFTA and Directors UK and a guest lecturer in directing at NFTS and Met Film School.


Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions