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7th August
10:30 - 13:30 or 14:30 - 17:30
Β£42.00 ( π˜ͺ𝘯𝘀𝘭. π˜π˜ˆπ˜› )
GoHub Studio, 5 Bedlam Mews, London SE11 6DF

BOOK NOW via with your Acting CV!


Martin would like you to choose a speech of your choice from either: Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, The Winter's Tale. You don't need to be off book or have learned it, but you should be familiar with it and the play overall.

Please feel free to choose 'against type' and pick a character or speech that particularly resonates with you. Perhaps it could be a role you've always wanted to play or that you've always wanted to explore? As part of the session, Martin would love to talk to you all about your choices.

Honest feedback will be given in a supportive environment before participants have the chance to do a second take. This will be followed by a short tea break and an informal Q&A.

{This workshop adheres to CDG guidelines and isn’t an audition}.


Martin is currently the Casting Assistant in the Royal Shakespeare Company casting department, working across a range of productions.

Credits as RSC Casting Assistant include: The Magician’s Elephant (RST, Sarah Tipple), The Winter’s Tale (RST, Erica Whyman), The Comedy of Errors (RST, Phillip Breen), The Boy in the Dress (RST, Gregory Doran), Venice Preserved (Swan, Prasanna Puwanarajah), The Provoked Wife (Swan, Phillip Breen), Don Quixote (West End, Angus Jackson), Imperium (West End, Gregory Doran). Additional Casting: Dim Sum (Headlong shorts, Amy Hodge) Workshops: Crooked Dances (TOP, Robin French)*

Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions