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24th June
10:00 - 18:00 GMT
£85 Members £76.50
Mountview 120 Peckham Hill St, London, SE15 5JT

BOOK NOW via with your Acting CV!


Nail the scene and stand out in auditions; Understanding Storytelling and Screenplay Form.

Sending self-tapes into the void makes one wonder... ‘Am I good enough?’ And what does that mean? What kind of good? What makes one performance more ‘suitable’ than another? What is a ‘good choice’, by what rules is it judged and how do you make a ‘bold’ one? Often, the only way actors know how to measure the success of their performance is by the degree of realism. However, in screen auditions, the actor’s understanding of the scene and their contribution to the requirements of the storytelling are paramount. So... does your storytelling suck?

In this workshop, Linda & James will share the storytelling standard all film and TV adhere to and practically workshop and film scenes with you.

• Prior to the workshop, you will receive a screenplay scene and have a role allocated. • Early on, you will deliver a take as you would for a self-tape or audition. • From here, you will learn how to extract the essential conflict and storytelling from the scene and how to avoid being 'on the text' or ‘on the plot'. Armed with new theoretical knowledge of how a film/TV screenwriter constructs a screenplay to UK standards, you will... • ... do lots of acting and practically evolve your scene over the course of the day – and put increasingly more captivating, conflict-driven takes to camera.

Linda & James train screen acting from a storytelling point of view; how to satisfy the narrative, how to identify and hit all the beats, how to create tension etc., which will help you gain confidence in judging what to supply and will build the foundation for any successful screen audition.

Your scenes will be recorded with broadcast quality equipment. Upon request, you have the option to receive your footage after the session for no extra cost!


Linda Ludwig & James Curle are a German/English writing/directing duo. Their work has screened at OSCAR, BAFTA & BIFA-qualifying festivals globally. They are interested in stories about unique perspectives; about characters who don’t fit the convention. In 2018, they were awarded “Best Short Film” at the Cannes Film Festival, AmPav, with Man of the Hour starring Charlotte Ritchie ("You", 2023), which was reviewed as “among the best short films ever” by MovieViral. Their latest film’s cast includes Nicola Walker, among other stand-out UK talent, and will release in festivals later this year. Linda & James both hold a 1st Class Honours Degree in Film Studies, including a 3-year focus on Screenwriting and Film Form and have placed as Quarterfinalists in both the Raindance Script and ScreenCraft Feature Competitions. As part of their extensive and ongoing work training professional screen actors, they have helped actors secure roles in major films as well as in TV by BBC, ITV and Channel 4 among others.

They are represented by MacFarlane Chard.

Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions