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29th May
10:30 - 13:30 or 14:30 - 17:30
Β£38.00 ( π˜ͺ𝘯𝘀𝘭. π˜π˜ˆπ˜› )
GoHub Studio, 5 Bedlam Mews, London SE11 6DF

BOOK NOW via with your Acting CV!


Having looked at your Spotlight CV and Showreel, Tom Payne will send out a selection of scenes before the workshop. Please choose a scene that suits you best regardless of gender, age and ethnicity. Catherine and Tom would like you to be as familiar with the text as possible.

Following an introduction, participants will film their tape with Tom under audition conditions (with the whole group present).

We have superb equipment for the best learning experience. Catherine and Tom will give each participant notes allowing them the chance to do a second take. This will be followed by a short tea break and an informal Q&A.

{This workshop adheres to CDG guidelines and isn’t an audition}.


Tom has worked as an actor, agent’s assistant and producer before starting their casting career with Daniel Edwards CDG in January 2020.

Currently a Senior assistant at Daniel’s office, Tom also had the privilege of working with Lucinda Syson earlier this year.

Since working with Daniel Edwards, Tom has worked on multiple TV Projects including TV Dramas β€˜Grace’ (ITV), 'Showtrial' (BBC/World Productions), 4 Stories (Channel 4), upcoming ’Then You Run' (Sky/Veritgo) & other projects which are currently in production.

Two notable mentions Tom is incredibly proud to have worked on are:

Heartstopper (Netflix) an uplifting & life-affirming LGBTQIA+ look at life for the current generation of young teens.

Then Barbara Met Alan (BBC) a drama film about Barbara Lisicki and Alan Holdsworth, the founders of the driving force behind Direct Action Network - whose protests pushed disability rights into the spotlight.

Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions