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Harry Burton & Harold Pinter

Harry Burton & Harold Pinter

#030 - The Homecoming - Part 3

Maybe the greatest challenge and joy of working with a Harold Pinter play is the process through rehearsal of listening to the language, the rhythms and the silences for clues as to what's going on down in depths. "The Homecoming" is a erupting volcano of a play, and this week we will lower ourselves into the crater, discuss and rehearse some scenes, and get to grips with what's really happening.

Our popular weekly pay-what-you-can WORKING WITH PINTER workshops are hosted on Zoom by West End director Harry Burton, close associate of Harold Pinter, and director of Channel 4’s WORKING WITH PINTER (on registration you will receive a link to this film). Harry’s guests on the Pinter Zoom have included Henry Woolf (Pinter’s oldest friend), actor Douglas Hodge, DAREDEVIL star Charlie Cox (who co-starred with Tom Hiddleston in BETRAYAL), academic & author George Cole, and dramatist Kerry Lee Crabbe. To listen to some of these interviews Click Here. In these sessions we discuss, read, analyse, rehearse and play!

A “Pay what you can” event.

Every Friday, 7 - 9:30pm {UK}. Live on Zoom.