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Oct 12th, 19th, 26th & Nov 2 10:30 - 13:30 GMT


£160.00 Members £144.00

*Please note as with all our events, our prices are inclusive of VAT*



At the end of the course, actors will be given a reel of their filmed performances, showcasing their development throughout the intensive.

WEEK ONE (12 OCTOBER / 10:30 - 13:30 GMT )

Small roles – During the first week, actors will be given 2 scenes in which they will read for the small roles. The objective will be to get actors used to delivering their lines in a way that fits the purpose of the scene and not over emphasise or draw much attention during the scene.

WEEK TWO (19 OCTOBER / 10:30 - 13:30 GMT )

Supporting lead / lead roles - This week we will focus on lead or supporting lead roles. Actors will be given a scene with more dialogue and an arc. This will be an opportunity for actors to show me what they’re capable of and receive feedback to iron out any bad audition habits.

WEEK THREE (26 OCTOBER / 10:30 - 13:30 GMT )

Recall – Following on from week two, actors will be given a recall scene for the same role that we worked on during week two. The additional scene will be provided, and more context given around the scenes and project. This will give actors more material to work with and we will engage in discussion regarding character and script as well as putting the new scene on tape.

WEEK FOUR (2 NOVEMBER / 10:30 - 13:30 GMT )

Chemistry reads – This week will be chemistry reads. Actors will work in pairs and read a scene together. This week will show actors how chemistry reads work and give them an opportunity to work collaboratively with another actor during the workshop.

**+ BIO **

Originally from Birmingham, Yvonne moved to London to train as an actor at Rose Bruford College in 2014. She graduated in 2017 with a 1st class honours degree in BA Acting. Yvonne’s work as an actor, writer and in production has given her a taste for noticing talent and this led her into casting. Yvonne began her casting journey at Julie Harkin Casting in 2019. Yvonne is passionate about promoting undiscovered talent. Diversity and equality are of the upmost importance to Julie Harkin Casting; as a company we are committed to creating equal opportunities for all actors regardless of gender, race, sexuality, disability or social background. Yvonne has a lot of acting coach experience which helps guide actors during auditions and helps them place themselves in the world of the project. Yvonne is now Daniel Edwards Associate

{This workshop adheres to CDG guidelines and isn’t an audition}.

Please note all contact or questions regarding this workshop should come through the RAIS office. Please do not contact the workshop leader directly with questions.

{This workshop adheres to CDG guidelines and isn’t an audition}.