


Ceri has worked in Casting for the past four years across TV, Film, Theatre & Commercial projects with Casting Directors; Rachel Freck, Aisha Bywaters, Isabella Odoffin, Rose Wicksteed, Dixie Chassay, Jill Green & Emily Tilelli.

Most recently she has worked as Casting Director on independent feature film MY HOUSE directed by Nick Norman-Butler and alongside Isabella Odoffin on feature film BOXING DAY and TV series THE LAST BUS.

She is currently working alongside Rachel Freck on a new TV comedy project, after previously working with Rachel on Series 3 of the thrilling TIN STAR. Prior to this she worked with Dixie Chassay on feature film LOUIS WAIN, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and with Aisha Bywaters on independent feature films THE LAST TREE, MARI, DIRTY GOD, BODY OF WATER & COUNTY LINES.