Episode #002
Start the New Year off with a dose of Chekhov's UNCLE VANYA. This is the beginnings of a weekly pay-what-you-can Zoom workshop with Simon Furness. Together we will discuss, analyse, rehearse and play!
Discussion: Spines/Super-objectives for all the characters collectively and individually. Keep it simple (ie a single statement for each character: eg to 'improve things for himself'). Reading the play a lot will help with this.
Scene Study: Astrov and Yelena.
(Time permitting) Analysis: Act 1 (beginning)
‘Sometimes we cut wood out of necessity, but why be wanton?Why? Our forests fall before the axe. Billions of trees all perishing’
- Astrov, Uncle Vanya Act 1
Listen to Simon’s Introduction PODCAST on Anton Chekhov’s classic Uncle Vanya.
Pay-what-you-can event | Live on Zoom.
Monday, January 4th | 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm {UK}.